maneuver Buy dumplings
Dreaming of buying dumplings
maneuver Run a restaurant
Dream of opening a restaurant
maneuver Buy mosquito net
Dream of buying mosquito net
maneuver Look for a bike
Dream of looking for a bicycle
maneuver Steal sweet potatoes
Dreaming of stealing sweet potatoes
maneuver Corn stealing
Dream of stealing corn
maneuver Steal clothes
Dream of stealing clothes
maneuver vegetable-growing
Dream of stealing vegetables
maneuver Steal shoes
Dream of stealing shoes
maneuver Groundnut stealing
Dream of stealing peanuts
maneuver Steal a cucumber
Dream of stealing cucumbers
maneuver Steal and pick watermelons
Dreaming of stealing watermelons and picking watermelons
maneuver Steal the Peaches
Dream of stealing peaches
maneuver Steal from others and pick from them
Dreaming of stealing melons and picking melons
maneuver persimmon
Dreaming of stealing persimmons
maneuver Jujube stealing
Dream of stealing dates
maneuver play ping-pong
Dream of playing table tennis
maneuver play badminton
Dream of playing badminton
maneuver Gang fight
Dreaming of a gang fight
maneuver waltz
Dreaming of dancing the waltz