maneuver ramble
Dream of walking
maneuver walk
Dream of walking
maneuver Milling grain
Dreaming of grinding rice grains
maneuver Climb by oneself
Dreaming of climbing a hill
maneuver parachute
Dream of skydiving
maneuver Swim to the horizon
Dreaming of swimming to the horizon
maneuver Wall climbing
Dreaming of climbing the rock wall
maneuver Hard climb up the mountain
Dreaming of climbing a mountain
maneuver Tightrope walking
Dream of tightrope walking
maneuver Boat race
Dream of a boat race
maneuver Wash, comb and braid your hair
Dreaming of shampooing, combing and braiding
maneuver fine
Dream of a fine
maneuver Daily behavior
Dream of everyday behavior
maneuver holiday
Dream of holidays
maneuver Sign in
Dream registration
maneuver Pass one's bowels
Dream stool
maneuver Business talk
Dream of business talk
maneuver gargle
Dream of gargling
maneuver Decorate the room
Dream of decorating the room and decorating the room
maneuver call
Dream of greeting