character authority (i.e. person with authority)
Dreaming of authority figures
character wanderer
Dreaming of a tramp.
character ex-husband
Dreaming of my ex-husband
character shepherds
Dreaming of a shepherd
character violence
Dreaming of children
character a man
Dreaming of men
character young woman
Dreaming of my sister.
character mom and dad
Dreaming of Mom and Dad
character inmates
Dreaming of prisoners
character strange woman
Dreaming of strange women
character a fireman
Dreaming of firefighters
character Baogong
Dreaming of Bao Gong
character schoolchildren
Dreaming of students
character aviator
Dreaming of a pilot
character older brother
Dreaming of my brother.
character emperors
Dreaming of the Emperor
character grandpa (polite form of address for old man)
Dreaming of an old uncle
character Co-owner Partner
Dreaming of a co-owner, a partner.
character paralyzed
Dreaming of a paralyzed man
character garbage collector
Dreaming of a janitor